AAA Roofing lays out assistance plan for its employees
AAA Roofing Co., is doing everything it can to minimize the financial impact of the COVID19 on its employees. In a statement release March 22, 2020, by president and CEO Jim Huntington:
These are unprecedented times for our country and our company. My number one concern is the health and wellbeing of both my family and your families. For this I am creating the AAA Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to help everyone weather the storm.
My current goal is to provide you with every opportunity to work as many hours as possible. I also want to make certain that you have food and supplies in your homes to last until this virus has run its course. The program will provide a financial assistance to hourly workers who do not work a full 40 hr. week. This is not a loan and the program will extend until things have calmed down or until the company can no longer afford to fund the EAP.
I do ask a few favors in return which will help all of us both short term and long term:
Take care of yourself and your families
Work Safely and Efficiently
Minimize being in close proximity with others
Wash your hands efficiently and frequently
If you are sick or show symptoms of being sick stay home
Pray to God for his help